We are Germany's leading real estate company. Vonovia is the first housing company in Germany, which was included in the DAX 30 index. To be a leader means not only that 370,000 homes in Germany are part of our company for us. To be leader is inseparable from responsibility - responsibility for the approximately one million people who are at home with us. Vonovia is apparent from the merger of Deutsche Annington and the GAGFAH. Both companies have their roots in public housing. Then we remember, by offering our tenants good and affordable housing.In the neighborhoods, we act not only as a landlord. Rather, we are a service provider which offers its tenants customized service about living. So our facility managers are in the settlements helpful contacts and take care of the different needs of our customers. But they are every day in "their" area in use. We want to be the customer not only close, but also close to our stocks. Small and large craft services - from sharing a sink to the rehabilitation of an apartment building - we provide timely and from one source! For manual work our proprietary artisan organization that provides German TGS. In addition to maintenance and minor repairs, making our craftsmen for example, energetic modernization, as well as senior-friendly renovation of our real estate holdings.