RLI is a specialty insurance company that offers a diversified portfolio of property and casualty coverages. The Company conducts its operations primarily through four insurance subsidiaries — RLI Insurance Company, Mt. Hawley Insurance Company, RLI Indemnity Company and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company. RLI insurance coverages are distributed to customers across the U.S. through branch offices that market to wholesale brokers and retail agencies. It also provides select coverages through independent agents. The Company offers different types of casualty, property and surety coverage ranging from individually underwritten coverages to highly complex coverages. Some lines of insurance the company offers include General Liability, Commercial and Personal Umbrella Liability, Commercial Transportation, Executive Products Liability, Professional Liability, Commercial Property, Marine, Crop Reinsurance, Property Reinsurance, Contract Surety, Commercial Surety, and Oil and Gas Surety.