We work together with other people to tackle the shortage of good quality homes, and make a lasting contribution to the landscape and to the communities we help create.
The Berkeley Group is made up of five autonomous companies: St George, St James, Berkeley, St Edward and St William. We are publicly-owned and listed on the London Stock Exchange as a FTSE 100 company.
Berkeley's business strategy is called Our Vision. This focuses on five key areas: our customers, homes, places, operations and people. Through this framework we are striving to become a world class business.
Sustainability is at the heart of Berkeley. Our single biggest contribution is to create new places that grace their surroundings and will stand the test of time. The environmental performance of each site is monitored tightly and we publish independent research measuring our social and economic impact.
The Berkeley Group was voted Britain's Most Admired Company across all industries in 2011 and Housebuilder of the Year from 2010 to 2012. In 2014, we won the Queens Award for Enterprise, and have come top of the Next Generation benchmark for the last eight years, which ranks the UK's 25 biggest housebuilders on sustainability.
The Berkeley Foundation was set up in 2011 by the Berkeley Group and so far it has committed £6.7 million to over 70 charities and worthy causes. The Berkeley Foundation focuses on four key areas: homes, jobs, skills and care. Funding for the Berkeley Foundation comes from a variety of sources: the Berkeley Group covers the overhead costs of the Berkeley Foundation, and Berkeley Group employees have raised over £2 million through fundraising events and Give as You Earn. The Berkeley Foundation also receives donations from external sources.